When my alarm went off this morning, I knew that its familiar, annoying sound meant I needed to get out of those 8-hour-warm blankets surrounding my body and make myself a tasty fruit smoothie to start the day. I knew that I should get up with a start, with plenty of time to stretch out, take a shower, eat, read some of the news, and then make my way proudly to work.
But I pressed that snooze button again and again, and stayed in that lovely, warm bed of mine until all of my pre-work activities were thrown into a jumbled, fast forwarded rush to get to Starbucks on time. I made the smoothie first, and enjoyed that in the shower, after which I brushed the delightful taste of it away with baking powder toothpaste, threw on my clothes, grabbed a gallon of water and headed out the door. It was just how I remembered.
Is procrastination something I could define as my lifestyle?
Well, I'm exaggerating. I wasn't that bad this morning, and I've been a lot better lately. Wanting to keep up my running schedule should help me become even better at getting to bed earlier so I can wake up and run before work... but thats all futuretalk.
Today was a big, caffeine-fueled blur. I met so many new people, had to read hundreds of pages of information about cleaning protocol, how to treat and converse with customers to make them not only like their experience in Starbucks, but like it so much that they will be returning as regular customers for "up to nine years", had yet another round of coffee tasting, and then... the dreaded Technology Based Tutorial on using a register. Man, that is going to be the bane of the first few weeks of my Starbucks experience. There are way too many different names for drinks in this store. By the end of the tutorial, I had to run a five person gauntlet of orders, with hardly any assistance whatsoever... It was a complete failure. I failed one because I forgot to offer to bring the drinks to the picture of the lady in the wheelchair (which was only on the screen for about 10 seconds), I failed the next because hazelnut is the default flavor of a latte and does not have to be added on as an additional flavor, the third because I left the bathroom unchecked for 10 minutes, resulting in crackheads converting it into a meth lab, and the last because I referred to the customer with an ethnic slur. You win some, you lose some.
I'm tired, and I want tomorrow to be the first attempt at waking up extra early for an hour long run before work. Yawn. Goodnight.
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