indeed, kid a had a lot to do with me growing to love electronic music. i had never really experienced songs like Kid A or Idioteque, and then i think bjorks album Vespertine really solidified my want to add those kinds of elements into the music i am making.
and, happily, yesterday mike gave me Reason, and i have already begun rediscovering how to use it. the cool thing that i liked the most about reason was the Rewire function, which lets you use reason in conjunction with another program so that you can easily graph out a song and combine live and electronic music very easily. i made a lot of songs that way, and then i stopped. i guess i started to focus on a less linear way of making a song, and now it is time to add the simple cutting and pasting of a section or a beat or a whatever to really complete a song, and realize it more fully than i can with just an acoustic guitar. it will be a fun balancing act.
but also, i am having such trouble figuring out what music needs to say these days. it is the biggest tie-up for me... i can make a song, and realize a nice melody that vocals would work for, but i have no idea what words to put in. i need to figure out what is important in life these days, and what the future holds, and what of the past may be repeated, and what identity, technology and nature will play in all this, and what all of this progress will do to family. its so much stuff to think about. at least, those are the ideas i have been mulling over, somewhat aimlessly.
i had never heard of jab mica och el or nathan michel, but i checked out jab mica and they remind me of the soundtrack for Ravenous. you should see that movie if you havent already. the soundtrack is especially wonderful, and adds a really strange and unique twist to the movie. i found a couple clips of it on youtube, but they didnt really do the soundtrack justice.
it is totally time for me to go to sleep now. but before i forget, while i was at work i used "high-falootin'" in a sentence. it was awesome.

same old road, same questions, same hang-ups. next will be a productive post. the goal: match a emotion/thought/question/motive/style with el musico.
myspace will be updated soon... by next post for sure. thats goal #2. el musico is just gibberish to refer to a song by, but by the time ive figured out the thought/question/whatever, i will have audio examples for consumption/digestion/reflection. 5 small meals a day are better than 3 large meals. practice moderation.